The Kindred Spirits Ireland Event was created in July 2022. It was born out of Empathy, Compassion and Kindness in 1847 with a gift of kindness from one subjugated nation to another. The significance of the sheer empathic compassion with which this gift of kindness was bestowed was never forgotten by the Irish people. Its example demands our attention and honor, as it has done over the years. However in 2020, during the Covid Pandemic, the Irish people finally had a chance to repay the kindness shown to their ancestors in 1847 by the Choctaw nation, during the Great Hunger, (An Gorta Mor).

On 19th July 2022, on the 175th anniversary of the Choctaw gift, the Kindred Spirits Ireland Event was created to share in Celebration and Thanks; for it seemed the story had gone full circle. 

But a circle does not end….  Little did anyone realise at the time, but the story had only begun. Kindred Spirits Ireland and the Irish people were about to be woven into the very fabric of the five hundred year old indigenous prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle, recognized as a fellow indigenous nation and included in the indigenous Bio-Regions Sanctuary network. The connections and the story continues…

The organizers and hosts of Kindred Spirits Ireland 2022 include a diverse mix of volunteers and community leaders, including prominent members of First Nations, as well as members of non-profit organizations from various Nations around the world.

James Desmond is the main coordinator of our wonderful group of volunteers and leaders.  James is a local artist indigenous to County Cork, Ireland. Keep scrolling to read the team’s bios and meet some of our special guests.

Contact Details Here

**Please note that Kindred Spirits Ireland 2022, and KindredSpirits.Earth, have no formal or legal connection or even association at this point, with the creators or custodians of the Kindred Spirits Sculpture.