Therefore, this paper is a call to action, as the Irish people have been woven into the very fabric of this truly unique story in time and have become an integral part of Indigenous prophecy; we feel it is now incumbent of Kindred Spirits Ireland to help encourage the Irish people to accept this Honor, take up this Mandate and help to play Our part in Creating a Brighter future for All. The development of Kindred Spirits Ireland will help Strengthen and encourage the Building of more Connections among Communities and Nations Worldwide.

We believe this effort can help light the way to healing all peoples by building deeper Community Connections among all the world’s nations. Harnessing the neglected wisdom and science of Indigenous peoples and coupling it to the technical (if aimless) wizardry of modernity, is the sine qua non for survival.


Our first event and chosen location was largely inspired by the wonderful “Kindred Spirit” Sculpture located in Midleton, Cork, Ireland.

An outdoor sculpture titled Kindred Spirits commemorates the link between Ireland and Native Americans. The sculpture by Irish artist Alex Pentek is a stainless steel structure of eagle feathers forming a circle and represents the gift of a bowl of food.

Kindred Spirits commemorates the 1847 donation by the Native American Choctaw People to Irish famine relief during the Great Hunger, despite the Choctaw themselves living in hardship and poverty and having recently endured the Trail of Tears. Irish donors are now citing that gesture as they help two tribes during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“This has an Irish drumbeat that carries a global resonance” says RTE.

*Please note that Kindred Spirits Ireland 2022, and KindredSpirits.Earth, have no formal or legal connection or even association at this point, with the creators or custodians of the Kindred Spirits Sculpture.